Sunday, December 31, 2023

3 Secrets to Become Pain-Free, without Doctors, Drugs, or Surgery

3 Secrets to Become Pain-Free, without Doctors, Drugs, or Surgery

3 Secrets to Become Pain-Free, without Doctors, Drugs, or Surgery

Event Name:  3 Secrets to Become Pain-Free, without Doctors, Drugs, or Surgery

Event Starts: Evergreen( Every Thursday)

Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

Responding to the desperate plea of a severely pained patient whom no other doctor could assist, Dr. Yoni Whitten committed himself to uncovering the key to pain recovery.

His findings revealed three secrets to achieving a pain-free life, applicable to individuals experiencing pain at any level, all without the need for doctors, medications, or surgery.

Additionally, Dr. Whitten stumbled upon some eye-opening information mentioned below:

✔️ Contrary to popular belief, bed rest offers no therapeutic value for pain and can actually be extremely harmful, delaying the recovery process.
✔️ The conventional approach to pain treatment, commonly employed by doctors, is fundamentally flawed and unlikely to be effective. 
✔️ Opioids, despite their prevalent use, prove ineffective for pain relief and have even led to a 260% increase in back pain rates during their peak prescription era.
✔️ The widely prescribed NSAIDs lack evidence of efficacy and, shockingly, contribute to tens of thousands of deaths annually.  

Despite this wealth of evidence, mainstream medical advice continues to dispense these misguided recommendations.

Dr. Yoni Whitten also uncovered the root cause of pain, attributing it to the modern lifestyle that fosters sedentary habits. The shift from physical activities to a more stationary existence, such as using escalators instead of stairs or sitting at computers for work, has contributed to a staggering 400% increase in back pain in developed countries.

Pain, according to Dr. Whitten, is a warning signal for a condition he terms "Posture Prolapse Syndrome." This syndrome, characterized by a damaging forward head posture observed in up to 70% of people, leads to various issues like carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue.

Dr. Whitten emphasizes that sitting, regardless of the sitting position, is the primary cause of back pain. He asserts that Posture Prolapse Syndrome not only causes pain but also consumes excessive energy, affecting lung capacity and increasing the risk of atherosclerosis and lung disease.

Even Killer Whales in captivity suffer from this syndrome, with 100% of males in places like Sea World experiencing it due to the absence of natural movement.

Having identified this underlying cause of chronic pain, Dr. Yoni Whitten shares his breakthrough solutions in a comprehensive webinar titled "3 Secrets to Become Pain-Free, without Doctors, Drugs, or Surgery." 

In this enlightening presentation, he unveils simple movements that can alleviate back pain in as little as 10 minutes, reduce migraine intensity, and decrease joint pain by up to 70%. Moreover, he introduces a powerful technique that provides immediate relief for any type of pain, regardless of its location in the body.

These techniques not only address pain but also contribute to improved posture, a more youthful appearance, and a seldom-discussed secret to longevity.

Dr. Yoni Whitten concludes by introducing the audience to his renowned Pain Fix Protocol, a specific action plan designed to permanently eliminate pain and enhance overall well-being for a lifetime.


Download Free E-Gift Below

Beating Back Pain eBook

Beating Back Pain eBook

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Fasting & Longevity Summit

 Fasting & Longevity Summit

Fasting & Longevity Summit

Event Name:  Fasting & Longevity Summit

Event Starts: January 2, 2024

Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

 Fasting & Longevity Summit

9 out of 10 people face some kind of metabolic disease, and 6 out of 10 are dealing with chronic illness. This means that 90% of people are unwell, and 60% are seriously unwell. Day after day, they're stuck in a cycle, taking pills to hide symptoms but never really feeling healthy or reaching 100%.

But there's an ancient practice, often forgotten, that can transform us naturally. It's backed by science and adds years to your life. That practice is fasting.

Hold on if you're not a fan of fasting but still want its benefits. There's a nutrition alternative that mimics fasting. Yes, you can eat certain products to reap fasting benefits instead of not eating.

Fasting, the most ancient and powerful healing strategy, is in our genetic blueprint. It activates autophagy, a dormant process in the body that awakens with fasting or the right nutrition. It's like a switch, boosting cell health, renewal, survival, and reversing disease while increasing lifespan, longevity, and reducing inflammation.

Fasting depletes glucose stores, shifting to burning fat for energy, enhancing fat loss and brain function. It's the #1 way to return to full health and live a longer, high-quality life.

Learn the ropes of fasting at the Fasting & Longevity Summit. Reverse chronic disease, boost brain function, lower inflammation, and uncover the secrets to powerful weight loss.

This summit is especially recommended for those battling cancer, type 2 diabetes, PCOS, hypertension, heart disease, cognitive decline, and obesity. Discover the science behind fasting, preparation tips, the best types, times, and lengths to fast, and insights on fasting mimicking diets and nutrition.

Here is what You'll learn at Fasting & Longevity Summit:

How fasting rejuvenates the skin and hair from the inside out.
How skin diseases can vanish with fasting.
The unique effects of fasting on men and women.
Why fasting is highly effective for people with type 2 diabetes.
How fasting heals against mold and mycotoxins.
How fasting prevents degenerative brain diseases.
How fasting directly counteracts and reverses cancer progression.
The science behind fasting-mimicking diets and increasing longevity.

Don't miss this opportunity to unlock the secrets of a healthier life. 




Download Free E-Gifts Below

Fasting Transformation Quickstart Guide eBook

Fasting Transformation Quickstart Guide eBook

Secrets of Anti-Aging eBook

Secrets of Anti-Aging eBook

Activating Autophagy: Your Guide to Cellular Healing eBook

Activating Autophagy:  eBook

Unlocking Longevity: The Power of the Fasting Mimicking Diet eBook

Unlocking Longevity eBook

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Solving Sexual Dysfunction Summit

Solving Sexual Dysfunction Summit

Solving Sexual Dysfunction Summit

Event Name: Solving Sexual Dysfunction Summit

Event Starts: December 12, 2023

Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

Solving Sexual Dysfunction Summit

Struggling in the bedroom is more common than you might think!

While men's ED is widely talked about, for women, 43% face low libido.

Low libido and sexual dysfunction are not just passing phases; they're real issues that can steal your intimacy, strain your relationships, shatter your confidence, and make your self-esteem take a hit.

Feeling disconnected from your partner due to the lack of intimacy can make life challenging.

We usually keep our struggles with sexual dysfunction and low libido hidden, and the stigma surrounding it makes it tough to discuss, even with those we love.

But the good news is, help is available, and you can overcome these challenges easily.

Discover how to boost your confidence, bring back intimacy, and reconnect with romance at the Solving Sexual Dysfunction Summit.

Hosted by Dr. Diane Mueller and Dr. Betsy Greenleaf, both dual-doctorate medical experts specializing in low libido and chronic illnesses, this summit offers quick, easy, and natural solutions. No need to resort to pills with unpleasant side effects.

Dr. Diane, who once experienced a complete lack of sexual drive, knows exactly how you feel but has found a way to regain it all and more.

The summit provides insights and solutions so you can address sexual dysfunction without relying on medications with unwanted side effects.

They want you to know that you can fix this, reignite that spark, and you don't have to be 18 to be happy with your sex life. In fact, you can have better intimacy now than when you were younger.

It's not just about having better sex; it's about reawakening your passion for life.

Improving libido has been proven to enhance your life in more ways than you can imagine. An active sex life can increase your lifespan, reduce the risk of heart disease and breast cancer, boost confidence in and out of the bedroom, and positively impact your mood, sleep, and overall well-being.

So, don't settle for a life without pleasure; start reviving your sexual spark.

The Solving Sexual Dysfunction Summit offers a comprehensive range of solutions and strategies for low libido, intimacy struggles, and sexual dysfunction. Experts like Dr. Judson Brandeis, Dr. Sabrina Solt, Dr. Deb Matthew, Dr. Sharon Stills, Dr. Nicole Marcione, Dr. Tracy Gapin, and more share their knowledge and community support.

This summit is your go-to for solving sexual dysfunction problems, promising a magical transformation in the quality of your life.




Download Free E-Gifts Below

From Hot Flashes to Hot Nights: Increasing Libido In Menopause eBook

From Hot Flashes to Hot Nights eBook

Revive Your Love Life: Five Easy Steps to Mind-Blowing Orgasms and Romance eBook

Revive Your Love Life: Five Easy Steps to Mind-Blowing Orgasms and Romance eBook

Fast For Your Libido! For Women eBook

Fast For Your Libido! For Women eBook

Elevate Your Essence: A Holistic Guide to Sexual Wellness and Empowerment eBook

Elevate Your Essence: A Holistic Guide to Sexual Wellness and Empowerment eBook

Friday, December 15, 2023

The CEO of Aging Masterclass

The CEO of Aging Masterclass

The CEO of Aging Masterclass

Event Name: The CEO of Aging Masterclass

Event Starts: December 11, 2023

Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

The CEO of Aging Masterclass

Dr. Ron Rosedale has spent the last three decades uncovering why we age and what speeds up or slows down the process. He's made a groundbreaking discovery supported by science, promising not only a youthful appearance and feeling but also defense against harmful diseases.

This revelation comes at a critical time when our average lifespans are decreasing significantly. We're aging faster than generations before us, even considering the last 20-30 years dealing with sickness or pain.

Are you aging too quickly? Conditions like obesity, diabetes, cancer, low energy, brain fog, chronic pain, and various diseases are all signs of accelerated aging. If you have one or more of these issues, it's a signal that you might be aging faster than you should.

Contrary to what we're often told, Dr. Ron emphasizes that we can do something about aging. He explains that our cells are under constant attack, leading to health issues caused by miscommunication between cells and internal bacteria.

Dr. Ron's discovery introduces "The CEO of Aging," a metabolic switchboard that acts as a lifespan controller deep within your body. This switchboard dictates the pace of aging, and learning to control it can reduce cell damage and enhance repair.

Factors like diet, activity levels, toxin exposure, stress management, sleep quality, and relationship happiness send signals to your CEO of Aging, ultimately determining how fast you age.

In a 90-minute masterclass, Dr. Ron Rosedale shares how to influence and control your CEO of Aging. Normally valued at $500, the masterclass is now available for free for a limited time. Learn to prevent chronic diseases, boost energy, achieve vibrant skin, sharpen your mind, and increase your lifespan.


The 5 biggest aging myths
How to keep your body in a constant state of youthful cell repair
The 3 key hormones predicting aging speed
5 game-changing steps for youthful cells, skin, and organs
The enzyme that goes haywire in cancer patients
Foods to avoid for optimal aging
The "longevity way of eating" for a youthful life
A simple dietary change that extended rodent life by 33%
The quickest and easiest way to get slimmer at any age
Asking the CEO of Aging to delay wrinkles and grey hair

The CEO of Aging Masterclass, presented in a 90-minute engaging format, is packed with this information. Immediate anti-aging results are promised by activating your body's hidden "anti-aging button," doubling your energy, clearing brain fog, and turning back the clock by 10 years. 

Don't miss the chance to learn anti-aging secrets directly from Dr. Ron, one of the world's leading experts in the field.




Download Free E-Gifts Below

5 Anti-Inflammatory Drinks You Can Sip All Day Long eBook

5 Anti-Inflammatory Drinks

15 little known Environmental Cancer Triggers You May Be Exposed To eBook

15 little known Environmental Cancer Triggers

20 Mushrooms and Herbs to Improve Memory and Prevent Dementia & Alzheimer's eBook

20 Mushrooms and Herbs to Improve Memory and Prevent Dementia

22 Delicious Smoothies and Snacks to Overcome Cravings and Boost Your Metabolism eBook

22 Delicious Smoothies and Snacks to Overcome Cravings and Boost Your Metabolism

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Calling All Men: Confronting the Crises of Our Boys and Men

 Calling All Men: Confronting the Crises of Our Boys and Men

Calling All Men: Confronting the Crises of Our Boys and Men

Event Name: Calling All Men: Confronting the Crises of Our Boys and Men

Event Starts: December 4, 2023

Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

 Calling All Men: Confronting the Crises of Our Boys and Men

We, men, and our boys are quietly facing difficulties, and it's time to take action.

Here are some alarming facts about men and boys:

✔️ Suicide rates for boys aged 10-14 have risen by over 300% since 2007.
✔️ Every day, over 27,500 men get divorced, often losing contact with their children.
✔️ Every day, more than 1,750 men worldwide take their own lives.
✔️ Divorced dads are 800% more likely to commit suicide than divorced moms.
✔️ 3 out of 4 men who commit suicide never seek help.
✔️ More than 200 US men die from drug overdoses daily, with a 600% increase among men and boys.
✔️ Half of the parents of suicidal boys are unaware of their sons' risk.
✔️ Obesity has increased by 300% among boys aged 10-14 since 2007 (and 10 times in 40 years).
✔️ The number of friendless men has increased by 500% since 1990.
✔️ Men aged 18-30 experience a 300% increase in sexlessness since 2008.

Many of these issues are linked to the changing expectations for men.

Society seems to have restricted the idea of a real man.

Efforts have been made to feminize men, introducing terms like "toxic masculinity" and products like men's makeup lines and "metrosexual" trends.

There are also discussions about various genders and the use of unconventional pronouns.

Real men seem to be disappearing, and young boys are suffering the most, as indicated by these alarming statistics:

✔️ 90% of homeless and runaway children had no father at home.
✔️ 95% of men in prison grew up without a father at home.
✔️ 85% of boys with behavioral disorders had no father at home.
✔️ 63% of teens who committed suicide had no father at home.
✔️ One-third of boys either don't have a father or live without them.
✔️ Fatherlessness has increased by 200% for boys since 1968.
✔️ 72% of adolescent murderers had no father at home.

Additionally, boys who live with their dads are:Less likely to be addicted to drugs, video games, and porn.

✔️ Less likely to be depressed and commit suicide.
✔️ Less likely to be obese and die from chronic diseases.
✔️ Less likely to commit crimes and end up in prison.
✔️ Less likely to drop out of school and live in poverty.

It's crucial to recognize the importance of strong men and fathers.

Fathers are invaluable, as the data shows.

How many of our sons and brothers must suffer before we pay attention?

Why are so many men unsure about how to be husbands and fathers?

How much longer must men and boys endure silently?

"Calling All Men: Confronting the Crises of Our Boys and Men" aims to end this suffering by teaching men how to be real men.

Tens of thousands of men are coming together for this online event, including fathers, grandfathers, elders, leaders, and mentors.

You'll learn how to be the strong man, father, and hero your family needs.

There are mentors to guide you, and brothers to stand with you.

Hey guys! We're coming together at CALLING ALL MEN! to talk about:

✔️ Sharing thoughts on the tough stuff dads go through.
✔️ Getting wise and historical insights from respected older folks.
✔️ Getting help, support, and good examples from mentors and coaches.
✔️ Learning proven ways from teachers who get the unique challenges guys face in school.
✔️ Figuring out practical ways to deal with mental health, addiction, and other issues.
✔️ Getting the lowdown on staying fit, eating right, and taking care of ourselves.
✔️ Hearing personal stories about growing through challenges and becoming strong leaders.
✔️ And lots more to spark a new way of thinking about being a man, brotherhood, and masculinity!

Join the movement to create a world where people remember the value of men, fatherhood, masculinity, tradition, honor, and brotherhood.




Download Free E-Gifts Below

Strong Men for Hard Times Companion Guide eBook

Strong Men for Hard Times Companion Guide eBook

Healing Genesis Reloaded Docu-series

Healing Genesis Reloaded Docu-series

Healing Genesis Reloaded Docu-series

  • Event Name: Healing Genesis Reloaded Docu-series

    Event Starts: December 18, 2023

    Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

  • Healing Genesis Reloaded Docu-series

    • This 12-part docu-series features world-renowned experts sharing effective, natural healing protocols.
    • The protocols showcased have led to incredible health transformations for many individuals.
    • People who felt lost and hopeless not only regained their lives but thrived like never before

  • Gloria Sharlein, like millions of others, faced challenges after receiving the COVID vaccine.
  • She experienced a tough time with low energy, severe heart pain, and even a cyst in her breast.
  • However, Gloria found a solution, and now she's back in the gym, pain-free, with all vaccine side effects gone.
  • The healing was so profound that even the cyst in her breast disappeared.

Universal Healing Protocol

  • Gloria's story is not unique; many have found relief from COVID vaccine injuries through a healing protocol.
  • This protocol has been effective not only for vaccine-related issues but also for diseases like cancer, diabetes, and autoimmune conditions.

Lorri Otto's Remarkable Journey

  • Lorri Otto faced mysterious health issues that left doctors puzzled.
  • It was later discovered she had internal parasites, and the healing protocol helped her feel incredible.

  • Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine in Focus

  • The docuseries makes a bold claim: Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are safer than chemo and radiation.
  • Dr. Ardis asserts this claim with confidence, stating it's 1 billion percent true.
  • These anti-parasitic drugs have shown positive effects in treating not only COVID but also causing some cancers to disappear.

Holistic Approaches to Cancer Cure

  • Dr. Ardis emphasizes the role of natural anti-parasitic herbs in curing diseases like cancer.
  • Changing the diet and ensuring proper nutrition are crucial for cancer cure, provided the gut is in good condition.
  • An ancient diet is highlighted, focusing on healing the gut and promoting full nutrient absorption.

Gut Health and Long COVID

  • A doctor's discovery links gut health to long COVID symptoms.
  • Medicines acted as a temporary solution, but the real healing occurred when focusing on gut health.

In-depth Exploration in the Documentary Series

  • The docu-series delves deep into the true causes of illnesses, highlighting unknown health dangers.
  • It presents top-notch healing protocols that have proven to be highly effective.

Diverse Perspectives in the Series

  • While not agreeing with every viewpoint, especially on COVID matters, the series is highly recommended for its valuable natural healing insights.
  • The protocols featured aim to enhance overall health and well-being.




Download Free E-Gifts Below

Scientific Insights into Natural Therapies for Reversing Chronic and Autoimmune Diseases eBook

Scientific Insights into Natural Therapies ebook

Unlocking Cellular Healing and Regeneration through Fasting eBook

Unlocking Cellular Healing and Regeneration through Fasting eBook

How to Reverse Post-Vaxx Plasmid Injuries & Restore Wellbeing eBook

How to Reverse Post-Vaxx Plasmid Injuries & Restore Wellbeing eBook