Saturday, September 30, 2023

Buddhist Wisdom for Life Summit

 Buddhist Wisdom for Life Summit

Buddhist Wisdom for Life Summit

For centuries, many individuals have sought solace, purpose, and practical wisdom through the teachings of Buddhism

These teachings extend beyond cultural and religious boundaries, offering universal truths that can provide guidance and support in all aspects of life. 

The collaboration between Wisdom for Life and Tricycle has brought together 35 Buddhist teachers and scholars for the 2023 Buddhist Wisdom for Life Summit

This summit aims to share practical Buddhist philosophy and wisdom to help attendees overcome life's struggles and challenges.

Whether you are looking to heal and connect with your true self or seeking guidance and fresh perspectives, this summit offers insight, solutions, and tools to address recurring problems, navigate relationships and emotions, find life purpose and meaning, uphold ethics and values, prioritize health and well-being, and much more. 

By attending this summit, you can cultivate compassion, gratitude, and love, build resilience, live authentically, and invite joy, inner peace, and freedom into your life. 

Joining the Buddhist Wisdom for Life Summit will allow you to:

  • Discover solutions to many of the most prevalent issues we face on a daily basis.
  • Explore insights that will assist you in a variety of ways, including how to connect with others, navigate your emotions, find your life's purpose and meaning, and maintain your health and well-being.
  • Learn how to apply the skills of compassion, appreciation, and love in many aspects of your life and how they may help you develop states of expansion.
  • Learn profound techniques to support resilience development so you may regain your confidence and calmness.
  • As you live more truly and infuse your life with greater pleasure, inner peace, and freedom, broaden your perspective on what's possible.

The Buddhist Wisdom for Life 2023 summit is open to anyone:

  •  who desires inner peace, freedom, and joy,
  •  seeks assistance with daily challenges and struggles,
  •  yearns for healing,
  •  wishes to break free from feeling trapped, overwhelmed, or disconnected,
  •  and desires personal transformation with a clear path forward.

 The summit schedule covers various topics each day:

  •  including navigating emotions,
  •  building relationships and connections,
  •  exploring ethics and values,
  •  discovering life purpose and vision,
  •  focusing on health and well-being,
  •  addressing professional and work life,
  •  and promoting social justice and environmental protection. 

As a registered attendee of the summit, you will receive several free gifts as Bonus, including:








Friday, September 29, 2023

Rockin’ Life at Any Age Summit

 Rockin’ Life at Any Age Summit

Rockin’ Life at Any Age Summit

Are you looking to improve your health, vitality, and overall wellbeing? 

Join the Rockin' Life at Any Age Summit

Featuring over 60 transformational leaders, this summit is your chance to gain valuable insights and knowledge that can help you to transform your life and live it to the fullest. 60 transformational leaders will share their insights and knowledge on how to live a vibrant, healthy life at any age.

Registration is free, and upon joining, you'll gain instant access to a range of free gifts, including

 "The Energy Codes and Creating the Life You Desire" by Sue Morter, DC,

 "Living Your Dream - No Matter What!" by Lisa Nichols, 

and "Discover Your Inner Pharmacy and Heal with SOMA Breathwork" by Niraj Naik, MPharm.

This is a unique opportunity to learn from some of the most iconic thought leaders in the field of health and wellness. Don't miss out – register today!

Why You Should Attend

Are you feeling like something is missing in your life? Do you worry that your best years are behind you? The Rockin' Life at Any Age Summit is your chance to discover how to transform your life and start living to the fullest – at any age.

Previous attendees of the Rockin' Life at Any Age Summit have been overwhelmingly positive about their experiences. Here are just a few testimonials:

"As someone who was ill-prepared for life at 46, this event has been a Godsend…I believe this summit could be literally life-saving for many people struggling needlessly during the latter half of life. Thank you!" - Susan Kaiser

"This summit has been one of the most insightful things I have ever participated in: a concentrated wisdom, feminine wisdom! I have learnt more from this event than I have in the previous 41 years of my life." - Evangelia Dimitrakaki

"This summit was exactly what I was looking for. With the wisdom and support of this summit… I am ready to make my life extraordinary!" - Carol Asch


The Rockin' Life at Any Age Summit features over 60 renowned speakers, including:

- Abiola Abrams, MFA 

- Womanifesting with the Goddesses and Understanding Your Shadow 

- Alison Armstrong - Clarity is the Key to Rockin' Relationships, At Any Age! 

- Sue Morter, DC - The Energy Codes and Creating the Life You Desire 

- Lisa Nichols - Living Your Dream - No Matter What! 

- Niraj Naik, MPharm - Discover Your Inner Pharmacy and Heal with SOMA Breathwork

And many more!

Don't miss your chance to transform your life – register now for the Rockin' Life at Any Age Summit




Download Free E-Gifts Below

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Ancient and Modern Secrets for Lifelong Radiance eBook

Ancient and Modern Secrets for Lifelong Radiance eBook

Embracing Midlife: Practical Tips for a Thriving Next Chapter eBook

Embracing Midlife: Practical Tips for a Thriving Next Chapter eBook

Monday, September 25, 2023

Autoimmune Answers:10 Episode Docuseries

 Autoimmune Answers:10 Episode Docuseries

Autoimmune Answers:10 Episode Docuseries

The impact of autoimmune disease on millions of lives

resulting in illnesses like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's

having an impact on the thyroid, heart, adrenal glands, kidneys, liver, and other organs

Similar was the case of Nataliya which you will know about in Atoimmune Answers, a 10 episode docuseries

It tells the tale of Nataliya, an American lady who had an autoimmune disease and was in excruciating agony all the time.

Her condition was so severe that her physicians told her that they would amputate her legs in two weeks.

However, she discovered a natural regimen that saved both her life and her legs!

She claims that at one point, when she witnessed parasites leaving her body, she felt immediate relief and returned to normalcy.

Unfortunately, Nataliya's tale is one that is all too common.

Why do western medical professionals struggle to treat autoimmune disease?

Why do regular tests consistently come up negative even if patients are obviously ill?

Why won't western medical professionals go at the root causes of any illness?

Why are medications with plenty of adverse effects recommended just to cover up the symptoms?

Why do they disregard dietary elements that, as we all know, have an impact on autoimmune disease?

Nataliya's entire tale may be heard in the 10 episode docuseries, Autoimmune Answers.

As well as testimonies from other individuals in a similar situation who healed to the surprise of their physicians by adhering to the proper diets and using the proper supplements.

It’s for people who suffer from: ✔️Autoimmune symptoms ✔️Fatigue ✔️Inflammation ✔️Allergies ✔️Immune system dysfunctions

Western drugs only provide a temporary solution (with long-term adverse effects).

Nevertheless, by eliminating those drugs and other accumulated toxins from your body, you may treat any autoimmune problem naturally.

Your immune system will work much better after the toxic load is reduced, and dietary adjustments together with the proper nutrients will complete the process.

You should quit consuming items that irritate your intestines, since this will close a pathway for toxins to enter your body, according to Autoimmune Answers.

Once that is resolved, you must administer certain nutrients to aid in the body's restoration and recuperation as well as completely purge it of any pollutants.

This incredible documentary series is your one-on-one roadmap to overcoming autoimmunity.

Additionally, you will learn:

  • What more to do to treat autoimmune illness and why food alone won't work
  • Herbicide, pesticide, and autoimmune disease connections
  • According to studies, newborn newborns have up to 287 substances.
  • Why Type 3 Diabetes is now used to classify Alzheimer's illness
  • The evidence that Alzheimer's medications actually hasten the disease's progression
  • How plastics, swimming pools, and chemicals affect the thyroid
  • Why C-section infants are more likely to have gastrointestinal problems later in life
  • The startling connection between depression and inflammatory reactions
  • How much oestrogen is present in the milk produced by pregnant cows
  • terrible childhoods can result in 360% greater heart disease, according to studies




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Top 26 Supermarket Foods eBook

Top 26 Supermarket Foods to Prevent & Reverse Autoimmune Disease Ebook

23 Toxic Threats in Our Food that Trigger Autoimmune eBook

23 Toxic Threats in Our Food that Trigger Autoimmune Disease & How to Reverse Their Effects Ebook

Root Causes of Autoimmune Disease eBook

Root Causes of Autoimmune Disease & How to Remove Them from Your Body Ebook

The Healing Garden: Natural Medicines for Autoimmune eBook

The Healing Garden: Natural Medicines for Autoimmune Wellness Ebook

The Anxiety and Depression Toolbox eBook

The Anxiety and Depression Toolbox Ebook

7 Day Anti-Inflammatory Meal Plan eBook

7 Day Anti-Inflammatory Meal Plan Ebook

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Conversations That Unite

 Conversations That Unite

Conversations That Unite


Welcome to Conversations That Unite, where we promise not to start a heated debate that ends with blocking your best friend on social media. Nope, this is a dynamic digital town hall event that aims to bring people together, hosted by Stand For Health Freedom (SHF). And lucky for you, you're invited to join this one-of-a-kind experience and pivotal moment in American history. We've got the esteemed Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., renowned authority on critical issues, as our featured speaker.

He'll be sharing his invaluable insights into the pressing challenges facing America today. From upholding traditional American values to safeguarding health freedom, we'll be tackling topics that are as important as choosing the right filter for your Instagram post. But we don't want this to be a one-way conversation. We want your voice to be heard! Engage with us in real-time polling and submit your burning questions.

Don't hold back, unless your question is "What's the meaning of life?" We're not quite equipped to answer that one. To actively participate and access all the event features, make sure to register below

So join us for a thought-provoking and interactive discussion that aims to unite and inform. And let's make America united again, one conversation at a time. Let the "Conversations That Unite" begin!

What is Conversations That Unite?

Hey there, fellow readers! Today, I'm here to talk to you about an incredibly engaging event called Conversations That Unite. Are you ready to dive into the world of thought-provoking discussions? Well, buckle up, because this is going to be one exciting ride!

 Conversations That Unite is not your ordinary gathering; it's a TownHall Live Event that brings together people from all walks of life. And guess what?  Let me tell you, this event covers some of the most pressing challenges facing America today. 

We're talking about topics like:

  • upholding traditional American values
  • safeguarding health freedom, 
  • ensuring transparency and safety in our food supply, 
  • harnessing the power of the free market for economic prosperity, 
  • and building a peace economy. 

Phew, that's quite a lineup! But wait, there's more! 

This event isn't just a one-sided lecture. Your voice matters! You get to engage in real-time polling and have your perspectives and opinions heard on these vital topics. 

Plus, you can even submit your burning questions to the speakers. Now, that's what I call interactive! To be part of this incredible experience, all you need to do is register below

 So, mark your calendars for Conversations That Unite, and get ready to delve into some captivating discussions. See you there, my fellow seekers of knowledge!

Featured Speaker

 Drumroll, please... it's none other than Robert F. Kennedy Jr.! You might be thinking, "Wow, someone with three names must be extra important!" And you're absolutely right. Kennedy Jr. will be sharing his invaluable insights on various pressing challenges facing America today. Whether it's upholding traditional American values, safeguarding health freedom, ensuring transparency and safety in our food supply, harnessing the power of the free market for economic prosperity, or building a peace economy, Kennedy Jr. has got it covered. 

Now, if you're wondering why this guy is such a big deal, let me tell you. Kennedy Jr. is renowned for his expertise and his ability to tackle complex issues with ease. He's like the superhero of pragmatic solutions. So, get ready to have your mind blown and your perspectives challenged by this amazing speaker

 Trust me, it's going to be epic!

Topics Discussed

 Stand For Health Freedom (SHF) has teamed up with the incredible Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to bring you an evening filled with stimulating discussions and valuable insights on the most pressing challenges America faces today. 

The event will be hosted by Leah Wilson, Esq., the esteemed Executive Director of Stand For Health Freedom (SHF). Get ready to dive deep into thought-provoking conversations while you sip your coffee in the comfort of your own home. 

The event is scheduled for Sun, Sep 17, at 9:00 PM. Mark your calendars and mentally prepare yourself for the enlightenment that awaits. 

 The star of the show,  is none other than the incredible Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 

With his extensive knowledge on critical issues, Kennedy Jr. is here to share his invaluable insights with all of us lucky enough to attend Conversations That Unite

Topics Discussed:

•Upholding Traditional American Values

•Safeguarding Health Freedom

•Ensuring Transparency & Safety in our Food Supply

•Harnessing the Power of the Free Market for Economic Prosperity

•Building a Peace Economy


 Now, let's get into the juicy details of what will be discussed during this mind-blowing event.

First up, we have "Upholding Traditional American Values." In a world that's rapidly changing, it's crucial to hold on to our roots and preserve the principles that make America great. Kennedy Jr. will shed light on how we can stay true to our values while adapting to the ever-evolving landscape.

Next on the list is "Safeguarding Health Freedom." With health being of utmost importance, especially in these challenging times, it's vital to understand how we can protect the rights that allow us to make informed decisions about our well-being. Kennedy Jr. will delve into this topic, providing us with a fountain of knowledge on how to navigate the complexities of health freedom.

Moving right along, we have "Ensuring Transparency & Safety in our Food Supply." In a world where food labels can be as deceptive as a politician's promises, it's crucial to have transparency and safety measures in place to protect our health. Kennedy Jr. will tackle this issue head-on, enlightening us on how we can ensure the food we consume is as reliable as our favorite Netflix series.

Now, let's discuss something spicy: "Harnessing the Power of the Free Market for Economic Prosperity." Money makes the world go round, right? Well, Kennedy Jr. believes that by utilizing the free market effectively, we can achieve economic prosperity that benefits everyone. Hold on to your purse strings; he's about to reveal secrets that could change the financial game for all of us.

Lastly, we have "Building a Peace Economy." In a world filled with turmoil and conflict, it's crucial to explore ways in which we can build a more peaceful society. Kennedy Jr. will share his insights on this topic, providing us with valuable ideas on how we can create a harmonious coexistence that would make John Lennon proud. Audience Engagement:

Now, here's where things get extra exciting. "Conversations That Unite" isn't just about listening to a bunch of talking heads; they actually want to hear from you!

There will be real-time polling during the event, giving you the power to let your voice be heard on these vital topics. No filters, no censorship—just your raw, unadulterated perspectives and opinions.

Oh, and did I mention you can submit questions? Yep, that's right! You have the opportunity to ask Kennedy Jr. all those burning questions you've been dying to ask. Who knows? Maybe you'll be the one to stump him!