Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Spirit Plant Medicine Conference

 Spirit Plant Medicine Conference 2023

Spirit Plant Medicine Conference 2023

Event Name: Spirit Plant Medicine Conference

Event Starts: November 3, 2023

Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

Spirit Plant Medicine Conference 2023- In Person & Online

The Role of Psychedelics for a Planet in Transition

Life on Earth has altered faster than any of us could have imagined in only a few short years. The need for new (and ageless) ideas on wisdom and compassion has never been greater. 

When taken correctly, under ideal conditions, and effectively absorbed into daily life, psychedelic, sacramental healing, awakening herbs, and related drugs are without a doubt the most powerful allies and tools available to struggling humanity in these trying times.

However, the focus of the narrative is not these dangerous substances. When at their best, they contribute to this big picture and the urgent need for a "turning of the wheel." 

This vision and prayer for mankind, for all beings on earth, and for the Earth itself are the focus of the Spirit Plant Medicine Conference, which provides a place for the discussion of knowledge and wisdom in this area.

The beloved Spirit Plant Medicine Conference's variety and the breadth of its viewpoints on psychedelics and consciousness development are among its distinguishing and all but unique characteristics.

Among our speakers are eminent ceremonialists, therapists, philosophers, visionary mystics, advocates, campaigners, and academics. 

It includes the following:

Paul Stamets,Pam Kryskow,Chief Rueben George,Dawn D. Davis,Chris Kilham,Zoe Helene,Samay Cuji Gualinga,Flavio Santi,The Dank Duchess,G. William Barnard,Susan Beaulieu,Victor Cabral,Acacea Lewis,Mark Haden,Ifetayo Harvey,Susan Leopold, PhD,Ismail Ali,Melanie Waterfall,Richard Kay,Simon Haiduk,Theda Phoenix

and more...

Location of Conference

The conference will take place at the Great Hall on the second level of the AMS Student Nest, located at 6133 University Boulevard on the University of British Columbia (UBC) campus in Vancouver, British Columbia (http://www.ams.ubc.ca/nest/). 

Conference Schedule Datewise(Subject to change)

Friday, November, 3

11:00 – Doors open, vendors/exhibitors open

12:30 – Conference begins – Meditative Soundscapes – Theda Phoenix

12:45 – Opening Ceremonies
1:00 – 1:45
Susan Leopold – “Psychedelics: From Personal to Planetary Healing”

 1:50 – 2:35
Dawn Davis – talk title TBA
2:35 – 3:15 – break, vendors/exhibitors

 3:15 – 4:05
Rueben George – “It Stops Here: Standing Up for Our Lands, Our Waters, and Our People “

 4:10 – 5:00
Acacea Lewis – “How Mushrooms Help Humans Evolve”

5:05 – 5:45
Mark Haden – “Psychedelic Guiding”

 5:45 – 7:30
Vendors/exhibitors, dinner
7:30 – 
Re-welcome &  announcements. etc
7:40 – 8:30
Gabor Maté – “Psychedelics: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly”

 8:35 – 9:30
Flavio Santi and Samay Cuji Gualinga – “Sacha Supay. Spirit of the Jungle. The Book of the Ancestors”


Saturday, November, 4

8:30 – Doors open, vendors/exhibitors

9:30 – Meditative Soundscapes – Theda Phoenix

9:45 – 10:40
Marco Sánchez and Shipibo Maestros – “Plant: Shipibo Cosmovision”

10:45 – 11:45
Paul Stamets – “Psilocybin Mushrooms, Bridging Cultures across Continents: A Worldwide Re Awakening”

 11:45 – 1:30 – lunch, vendors, etc
1:30 – 2:20
Ismail Ali – “A Full-spectrum Psychedelic Policy Paradigm: Reconciling Tensions and Seeking Harmonization”
2:25- 3:15
Dr. Pamela Kryskow – “Psychedelic Therapy: Models for Creating Community and Accessibility”
3:15 – 4:00 – break, vendors, etc

 4:00 – 4:55
Susan Beaulieu – “Embodying the Ancestral Wisdom of the Medicine Wheel: The Power of Entheogens for Re-Membering”
5:00 – 5:20
Simon Haiduk -“The Science of Visionary Art”

5:20 – 7:00 – dinner, vendors, etc

7:00 – 8:45
Cannabis Ceremony

9:00 – 10:00
Dance, Shine & Curtis, visuals by Simon Haiduk

Sunday, November 5

8:30 – Doors, vendors etc

9:45 – Meditative Soundscapes – Theda Phoenix

10:00 – 10:50
The Dank Duchess -“Dissolving the Mask with Cannabis and Psilocybin”

10:55 – 11:45
Ifetayo Harvey – “The Shortcomings of Wellness”

11:45 – 1:15 – lunch. vendors, etc

1:15 – 2:05
Victor Cabral – “Psychedelic Storytelling: A Sacred Liberation and Decolonization Practice”

2:10 – 3:00
Acacea Lewis -“The Origins of the Ritual Use of Crystals and Mushrooms”

3:00 – 3:30 – break

3:30 – 4:10
Melanie Waterfall and Richard Kay – “Reclamation of the Spirit: Breaking Through Old Paradigms with 5-MEO”

4:15 – 5:00
Bill Barnard – “Psychedelic Interactions with Spirit Beings and Energies”

5:00 – Closing Ceremony – acknowledgements etc.

7:00 – Afterparty – speakers, staff, registered guests.




Monday, October 30, 2023

Cancer Breakthroughs Summit

 Cancer Breakthroughs Summit

Cancer Breakthroughs Summit

Event Name: Cancer Breakthroughs Summit

Event Starts: October 31, 2023

Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

Cancer Breakthroughs Summit

Facing a cancer diagnosis can upend lives, leaving individuals feeling isolated in their battle against this relentless disease. 

Cancer touches the core of existence, challenging our perception of health, resilience, and life itself. Yet, you are never alone on this journey.

Today, an alarming 1 in 2 adults will hear those dreaded words, 'You Have Cancer.' 

Traditionally, treatment options included chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. 

The grim reality is that approximately 1 in 6 global deaths result from cancer, and for too long, patients and their families were met with a message of hopelessness.

However, times have changed. We have become smarter and more adept at combating cancer, with groundbreaking advancements in medical research that equip us with effective tools to confront it head-on.

As we venture further into the realm of oncology, the landscape of cancer treatment is growing more promising. 

Natural, safe, and side-effect-free alternatives are emerging.

Unearth the hidden strategies that have empowered thousands to prevent and heal breast, lung, colon, prostate, and other cancers at the Cancer Breakthroughs Summit.

Summits Mission is to illuminate the path forward, sharing the most effective tools and strategies to outsmart cancer. 

You'll gain insights from over 40 world-leading experts, including luminaries such as:

🌟 Veronique Desaulniers, DC, 

🌟 Thomas Seyfreid, PhD, 

🌟 Terry Wahls, MD, 

and Deanna Minich, MS, PhD, among others.

This summit transcends a mere event; it's a movement. 

We comprehensively cover every aspect, from effective medicines to mental health support, proper nutrition, and addressing the emotional and family dimensions.

The Cancer Breakthroughs Summit is particularly beneficial for cancer patients, caregivers, and those committed to preventing cancer recurrence. 

By identifying the root causes of cancer and enhancing the body's innate healing capacity, you can triumph over cancer and other diseases.

Join us at the Cancer Breakthroughs Summit to access the latest treatments and the concealed strategies for cancer prevention and healing. Be part of a community of experts ready to support your battle against cancer."

It covers a wide spectrum of vital aspects, from evidence-backed treatments to emotional support, dietary guidance, and handling the complex challenges of dealing with cancer and its impact on families.

The Cancer Breakthroughs Summit is an invaluable resource for those facing cancer, those supporting loved ones in their cancer journey, and those dedicated to preventing cancer from ever taking hold.

By diving deep into the root causes of cancer and empowering the body's natural healing capabilities, you can triumph over this formidable adversary, as well as other diseases. 

The Cancer Breakthroughs Summit offers access to the latest treatments and well-guarded secrets for cancer prevention and healing.

Additionally, you'll become part of a thriving community of experts and individuals, all united in the fight against cancer. Together, we're rewriting the story of cancer, one breakthrough at a time."

Let me introduce you to the amazing hosts of this summit:

🌟 Michael Karlfeldt, ND, PhD Dr. Michael Karlfeldt has over 30 years of experience in healthcare and runs an integrative clinic in Boise, Idaho. He’s also a renowned lecturer, writer, and professor. Dr. Karlfeldt believes in the body’s natural healing abilities when properly supported in terms of spirituality, emotions, and nutrition. 🌟 Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc Dr. Isaac Eliaz is a leading expert in integrative medicine, focusing on cancer, detoxification, immunity, and complex conditions. He’s a respected physician, researcher, author, and educator. Dr. Eliaz is the founder and Medical Director of Amitabha Medical Clinic in Santa Rosa, California.

What You Will Learn at the Cancer Breakthroughs Summit:

Personalized Treatment Plans: Tailor treatments to your unique genetic makeup and health profile for more effective healing.

The Power of the Mind-Body Connection: Explore the effects of integrating meditation and mental wellness into cancer care.

Cutting-Edge Therapies: Delve into innovative cancer treatments often overlooked by mainstream medicine.

Breakthroughs in Heavy Metal Detoxification: Learn about the impact of heavy metal toxicity on cancer's progression and pioneering detoxification strategies.

Empowerment through Knowledge: Gain insights into your treatment options, empowering you to make informed decisions and seize potential healing opportunities.

Natural Treatment Avenues: Understand the potency of herbal, nutritional, and alternative therapies.

You'll Also Discover:

Preventing Cancer with Diet: How specific foods can prevent cancer.

Mitochondrial Signaling: Its role in cancer gene expression.

Ozone's Cancer-Killing Effects: How to administer ozone therapy.

Cautions of Extreme Diets: Potential pitfalls for cancer patients.

Medication-Free Cancer Elimination: Techniques to eliminate cancer cells without drugs.

Estrogen's Role in Cancer: Its impact on development and progression.

Ancient Disruption Technique: An ancient method to disrupt cancer cell walls.

Ferroptosis Potential: Harnessing ferroptosis to kill cancer cells.

Gluten and Cancer: Understanding their connection beyond Glyphosate.

Metatrol's Clinical Benefits: Insights into fermented wheat germ therapy.

Algae's Mitochondrial Role: How algae nutrients restore mitochondrial function.

Fungus-Cancer Connection: Exploring metabolic similarities.

Survivor's Radical Remission: A firsthand account of a survivor's journey.

Mistletoe's Immunological Effects: Understanding its role and merging uses.

By attending the Cancer Breakthroughs Summit, you’ll gain powerful solutions:

✔️ Insights into cancer and its treatment options. 
✔️ Strategies for managing physical symptoms and treatment side effects.
✔️ Tools to address fear and uncertainty.
✔️ Lifestyle changes to enhance overall health and well-being.
✔️ Access to a community of experts and fellow patients for support and guidance.





Download Free E-Gifts Below

The Anti-Cancer Essential Oil Reference Guide eBook

The Anti-Cancer Essential Oil Reference Guide eBook

The Ultimate Cancer Prevention and Treatment Companion eBook

The Ultimate Cancer Prevention and Treatment Companion eBook

11 Things Your Cancer Program Needs to Address eBook

11 Things Your Cancer Program Needs to Address eBook

A Better Way To Treat Cancer eBook

A Better Way To Treat Cancer eBook

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Plant-Based Coaching Masterclass

 Plant-Based Coaching Masterclass

Plant-Based Coaching Masterclass

Event Name: Plant-Based Coaching Masterclass

Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

Plant-Based Coaching Masterclass

People are becoming plant-based more and more, but they're not doing it correctly. 

They are therefore failing to flourish, losing out on important nutrients, and reverting to unhealthy behaviours.

The need for plant-based coaches, or those who have a thorough understanding of plant-based nutrition and how to assist individuals in completing the shift without making frequent errors like nutritional deficiencies or relapses.

Globally, plant-based coaching is a rapidly growing professional option that is revolutionising people's lives.

A plant-based coach assists clients in transitioning to a plant-centric diet that includes increased amounts of fruits, vegetables, healthy grains, and legumes in order for them to experience the powerful advantages like as illness prevention, weight loss, and even a longer lifetime.

About Masterclass

The Masterclass is entirely free of charge, and it will be led by Ocean Robbins, Nichole Dandrea-Russert, MS, RDN, Tracy Garrigan, CHHC, and other esteemed specialists from Food Revolution Network who specialise in plant-based living, evidence-based coaching, and ethical business practises.

The curriculum is designed with participants' primary goals in mind, and it is in line with the three pillars of FRN's Plant-Based Coaching Certification: Impact, Coaching, and Nutrition. After finishing the Masterclass, participants will have a better knowledge of these three pillars, setting them up for success as proponents of plant-based advocacy and, if they so choose, potential future employment as plant-based coaches.

Who is it for?

this masterclass is for you,if:

✔️ You wish to find out how to launch your own plant-based coaching company and become your own boss; 
✔️ or You work as a coach, physician, nutritionist, or in another capacity in the health and wellness sector and would like to assist your clients in making the transition to healthier eating; 
✔️ or You wish to work for a forward-thinking organisation, food company, 
✔️ or wellness centre where you can use your passion for work to change the world; 
✔️ or Although you're not actually considering a job route, you would like to acquire some talents that would enable you to assist others in being well.




Healing Pain: Root Cause Solutions Masterclass

 Healing Pain: Root Cause Solutions Masterclass

Healing Pain: Root Cause Solutions Masterclass

Event Name: Healing Pain: Root Cause Solutions Masterclass

Event Starts: October 30, 2023

Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

Healing Pain: Root Cause Solutions Masterclass

Because of our bodies, the fact that we are human, and the unavoidable ageing process, pain is an essential and normal aspect of existence.

Everyone has gone through painful moments in their lives.

Perhaps you're experiencing nausea, headaches, sports injuries, accidents at home, emotional outbursts, or a terrible incident.

Although we must choose to endure and live with pain, it is a part of everyday life.

because if the underlying source of chronic pain is identified, it may be completely treated.

Nowadays, more than 30% of individuals globally suffer from chronic pain.

Additionally, a 2019 poll revealed that it impacts more than 50 million US individuals.

Suffering from pain may have terrible side consequences, such as depression, social isolation, and a lowered quality of life.

You don't have to live this way, and nobody else should either.

as the Healing Pain: Root Causes & Solutions Masterclass contains the solutions.

By addressing the underlying causes of chronic pain, this event enables you to break free from the bonds that the condition has over your life.

Additionally, since they offer efficient natural remedies in place of traditional medicine, you won't have to worry about its risks or side effects.

Not only do the treatments work quickly, but you might have pain relief the same day.

Our Expert Presentations Includes:
















Here is What You Will Learn:

✔️ What impact does food have on pain?

✔️ Is it possible to treat both acute and chronic pain with postural alignment?

✔️ How breathing impacts one's capacity to feel pain

✔️ Herbal remedies for emotional distress

✔️ Medicines and autoimmune pain

✔️ How your greatest teacher might truly be suffering

✔️ The greatest natural substitutes for prescription pain relievers

✔️ Your innate capacity for healing

✔️ What causes our own suffering?

✔️ Why using some medications makes you feel more discomfort

✔️ How to use diet to control inflammation




Download Free E-Gifts Below

Free Yourself From Chronic Pain eBook

Free Yourself From Chronic Pain eBook

11 Ways to Detoxify Your Mind and Body eBook

11 Ways to Detoxify Your Mind and Body eBook

Friday, October 27, 2023

The Optimal Living Ayurveda Summit

 The Optimal Living Ayurveda Summit

The Optimal Living Ayurveda Summit

Event Name: The Optimal Living Ayurveda Summit

Event Starts: November 3, 2023

Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

The Optimal Living Ayurveda Summit

Did you know that life expectancy in the World is rapidly dropping?

It is concerning that diseases of the body, mind, and spirit are taking years off of our lives in spite of all of our scientific and technical advancements.

However, what if there was a completely organic method to reclaim those years?

And to fill those years with unbridled happiness, energy, and productivity?

Join us and over thirty of today's top Ayurvedic specialists at THE health event of 2023 to uncover nature's greatest secrets for longevity, healing, and overall well-being.

A free 3-day online event, "The Optimal Living Ayurveda Summit", brings together the top Ayurvedic specialists of today for an unmatched exploration of nature's greatest knowledge for wellbeing, healing, and health.

At the Summit, more than 30 of the top authorities from across the globe—including well-known healers, physicians, thought leaders, and spiritual teachers—will discuss the principals of Ayurveda, which emphasise living in harmony with nature to regain lifetime health and vigour.

Everyone may start living better now by utilising the very relevant and simply applied knowledge found in the Summit, which covers everything from holistic health and nutritious food and herbs to longevity, beauty, spiritual alignment, and more.

Ayurveda, often referred to as the sister science of yoga and meditation, completes the Eastern health triangle and is becoming more and more popular in the United States. 

Now is the perfect opportunity to use this age-old science of wellbeing!

Additionally, keep in mind to attend as many workshops as you can with professionals such as Nancy Lonsdorf, Jonah Kest, Christine Horner, Deepak Chopra, Elena Brower, and Sahara Rose.

Its goal is to drastically extend your life expectancy and improve your quality of life by following the basic food and lifestyle recommendations made by the 5,000-year-old natural science of Ayurveda.

Who is this Summit For?

This Summit is for everyone who wants to live a healthier, happier, fuller life in harmony with nature's wisdom, whether they have an urgent health objective or problem to conquer.

This event will naturally attract people interested in personal growth, spirituality, meditation, yoga, and Ayurveda, as well as holistic wellness aficionados seeking to expand their knowledge.

The range of subjects covered is extensive and includes many aspects of mental, emotional, and spiritual health; they include ailments like diabetes, cancer, heart disease, blood pressure, and other cardiovascular problems; stress and anxiety management; beauty; anti-aging; longevity; curative foods and herbs; and much more.

Day-wise Topics Covered are:

Day 1: Holistic Healing & Restoring Balance

Day 2: Consciousness, Stress Resilience & Spiritual Alignment

Day 3: Longevity, Beauty & Vibrant Living

More Specifically,Here is What you will Learn:

1. You'll learn what you actually require to maintain good health. 

2. You'll learn effective natural remedies for typical ailments.

3. You'll discover how to escape an unwholesome. 

4. You'll regain your vitality, happiness, and mental clarity.

5. FOR WOMEN, You will discover how to take charge of menopause and rediscover your true femininity. 

6. You'll stop premature ageing in its tracks.

7. You'll learn how to extend your life. 

8. You'll discover how to use herbs to cure and feel better. 




The Natural Solution Masterclass

 The Natural Solution Masterclass

The Natural Solution Masterclass

Event Name: The Natural Solution Masterclass

Event Starts: November 6, 2023

Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

The Natural Solution Masterclass


What if you could recover to full health in just three months?

Similar was the story of a woman Featured in this masterclass.

Even though she was still in her 30s, she was always weary, had ongoing aches and pains, was significantly overweight, and had bad health.

But in just three months, she regained her energy, her anxiety subsided, she dropped a tonne of weight, her hair filled out once more, and she slept better.

What was her method?

She stopped seeing the physicians, who simply provided band-aid fixes and symptom treatment, and began addressing the underlying causes of the problems.

She gave up attempting to make her issues seem normal when they could be fixed.

Utilising "The Natural Solution," she was able to access the restorative power of nature.

Because the symptoms of any ailment go away as soon as the underlying causes are addressed and the condition is understood.

Minor conditions including rashes, acne, eczema, low energy, obesity, bloating, IBS, sleep problems, forgetfulness, and weak immunity can all be helped by it.

Additionally, it is effective for treating serious conditions including Alzheimer's, heart disease, autoimmune, depression, anxiety, leaky gut, constipation, and diarrhoea.

You too may change into a new person in three months if you adhere to the instructions of The Natural Solution.

Sarah Otto offers an eight-episode workshop called The Natural Solution.

She has dedicated the last five years or more to compiling the most effective natural procedures, which have restored health to tens of thousands of individuals.

She is disclosing the truths that altered everything in this limited run.

Along with over two dozen internationally renowned specialists, they will discuss their scientifically proven treatments that they have repeatedly seen to be effective for their patients.

You may find these treatments in your garden and grocery instead of the drugstore.

The drawbacks of using green medicine are also its advantages. You'll experience enhanced wellbeing, boundless vitality, and the prevention and reversal of illness.

By removing the underlying causes of contemporary illness, you may break free from the never-ending cycle of symptom treatment and achieve optimal health.

You won't find the knowledge presented in The Natural Solution anyplace else because it isn't taught in educational institutions or medical schools.

Its traditional treatments are supported by reliable scientific research.

These herbal medicines can restore your life in just one or two rounds.

The treatments and herbs are inexpensive, safe, and simple to make at home.

Adopt the time-tested, traditional method to become a live example of the saying "age is just a number" and to experience more energy, a healed stomach, less joint discomfort, and a sharper mind.

Don't pass on what may be the greatest medical discovery of your life.

Sign up for this once-in-a-lifetime, limited-time event immediately for FREE(which normally costs $297), as the next phase of your health journey starts here.

You will also learn about:

✔️ An unexpected approach for controlling blood sugar levels during meals.

✔️ An ancient Ayurvedic treatment that relieves bloating and gas.

✔️ A "floury" powder for intestinal health that increases vitality and burns fat.

✔️ Superfoods that are nutrient-dense without breaking the bank.

✔️ The complex relationships between health problems and microbiota.

✔️ The unique vegetables that, in only a few hours, decrease blood pressure and nitric oxide.

✔️ the "Ultimate Toxin Eliminator" removes toxins from your body.

✔️ The vagus nerve's ability to make you want chocolate or ice cream.

✔️ The undiscovered method for activating your body's super healing mode.




Download Free E-Gifts Below

‘The best natural remedies for inflammation’ Ebook

‘The best natural remedies for inflammation’ Ebook

‘The best natural remedies for gut health’ Ebook

‘The best natural remedies for gut health’ Ebook

‘The best natural remedies for autoimmune disease’

‘The best natural remedies for autoimmune disease’

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Your Brain and Mental Health Masterclass: What They Aren’t Telling You

 Your Brain and Mental Health Masterclass: What They Aren’t Telling You

Your Brain and Mental Health Masterclass: What They Aren’t Telling You

Event Name: Your Brain and Mental Health Masterclass: What They Aren’t Telling You
Event Starts: 22nd October 2023
Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

In the world today, mental health diseases constitute the primary cause of disability.

There are currently no effective treatments for the crippling brain illnesses and mental health conditions that affect over 450 million people.

These days, 1 in 4 individuals have them, and they result in 8 million deaths annually.

Physicians provide medications for mental health conditions, but the side effects are typically severe and the fatality risk is greater for individuals taking these drugs.

They do not, however, provide any treatment for illnesses relating to the brain.

Dr. Elena Villanueva has personal experience with the feeling of being unanswered by the medical community over her own mental health issues.

In addition to having several medical illnesses, sadness, anxiety, and significant memory loss, she also lost her ability to talk.

Nonetheless, she overcame all of her problems and was able to regain her memory, her ability to talk, and her overall health.

Dr. Elena discovered a universally effective treatment after unravelling the riddle around mental health issues and neurodegenerative diseases.

Tens of thousands of people with severe diseases similar to her own have benefited from her employment of these techniques with her patients.

Patients with Bi-Polar, ADD, ADHD, anxiety, depression, dementia, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease have found success with these techniques.

She is currently offering them in a special 5-part online masterclass:

Your Brain and Mental Health Masterclass: What They Aren’t Telling You.

You'll learn details about the true underlying reason of your issues that your doctor hasn't shared with you and most likely doesn't even know themselves.

You will learn that almost all mental health conditions, regardless of age or duration, may be treated, even completely cured.

You'll get access to case studies, top-notch resources, and cutting-edge methods for treating neurological and mental health conditions.

You will delve deeply into the evidence demonstrating how drugs, toxic mold, and other substances are affecting our immune systems, brains, and guts.

You'll see actual case studies of people who used Dr. V's tried-and-true methods of therapy to totally correct their diseases relating to the brain.

You Should Watch This Eye-Opening Series If...

✔️ You feel hopeless after receiving a diagnosis of a brain or mental health illness.

✔️ You seek natural, scientifically supported remedies because you're sick of the drawbacks and restrictions associated with conventional drugs.

✔️ You want to know how to deal with the underlying causes of the hidden variables causing mental deterioration.

✔️ If you're a loved one or carer for someone who has a brain-related illness, you want to look into every possible healing option.

✔️ You aspire to arm yourself with information because you trust in the efficacy of holistic healing.

✔️ You want to act now because you've seen a reduction in your mood, mental clarity, or general health of your brain.

✔️ You're dubious of Big Pharma's one-size-fits-all strategy and are curious about the real story that is being withheld from the public.

✔️ And you're prepared to go into a future in which you control your own health!

Meet the host, Dr. Elena Villanueva. 

Dr. Elena Villanueva is renowned as an international speaker, health influencer, and co-author of the acclaimed book, "The Longevity Code." Her expertise has earned her recognition on various media outlets, including FOX News, MSN, Healthline, Houston Chronicle, and in several documentaries.

Her specialization lies in instructing evidence-based methodologies to identify and address the root causes of chronic illnesses and brain-related conditions. Dr. Villanueva employs the most advanced approaches available today to empower her audience with the tools to enhance their health and well-being.

There isn't a single other free online masterclass that offers what this does.

These are the answers and solutions that are available to you.




Download Free E-Gifts Below

Environmental Toxins eBook

Environmental Toxins eBook

27 Stress Reducing Essential Oils eBook

27 Stress Reducing Essential Oils eBook

Lets Eat eBook

Lets Eat eBook

Monday, October 23, 2023

Healing Genesis DocuSeries

 Healing Genesis Docuseries

Healing Genesis DocuSeries

Event Name: Healing Genesis DocuSeries

Event Starts: October 23, 2023

Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

Get ready to go out on a quest to uncover the healing genesis—the fundamental substance of healing.

You will learn about over 30 novel therapies in this amazing series, which will reveal the keys to fighting diseases that were previously thought to be incurable. 

We're talking about ailments like diabetes, thyroid problems, lupus, arthritis, autoimmune disorders, dementia, Alzheimer's, heart disease, and even cancer.

It's important to understand why we and a large percentage of the global population have been made to believe that certain illnesses are incurable before delving into the wealth of therapies available.

The ideal of perfect health evolved into an illusive one at some point. Globally, millions of people have been tricked into believing that, particularly as we age, having subpar health is the new normal. 

These false notions were deliberately spread by Big Pharma in order to maximise revenues; they were not merely random occurrences.

The powerful pharmaceutical companies deceived us into believing that there were no real solutions for these serious illnesses. 

Their story made us depend on their proprietary drugs, which was a seemingly never-ending loop.

Still, it is an indisputable fact that our bodies are naturally capable of self-healing. They can overcome nearly anything if given the proper assistance. Fundamentally, healing is a simple process that has roots in traditional knowledge and treatments from long ago.

The answers have been known for millennia, and successive generations have tried and tested them. Without the use of dangerous medications, you may reach optimal health and vitality and reach a degree of well-being you may have previously believed unachievable.

With the correct information at hand, you may achieve true, long-lasting recovery

Not only will this information be available to you, but the upcoming docu-series "Healing Genesis" will also explore the traditional, organic practises that have been fostering healing for ages.

Hosted by jonathan Otto, filmmaker, health advocate, and investigative medical journalist with several awards.

More than 40 of the best physicians and holistic health specialists in the world will speak with you, revealing the unvarnished facts about extremely successful ways to reverse diseases using natural medicine protocols.

You'll be able to:

  • Discover time-tested, age-old therapeutic remedies.
  • Examine the alternatives that the big pharmaceutical companies would like you to be unaware of and their impact.
  • Learn that you are not the only one going through this. Numerous people have tread this route and come out stronger.
  • Discover how to take control of your health and make decisions that advance wellbeing.
  • And more, much more!

Envision a life full of vigour and limitless energy, devoid of suffering and illness. Your new reality could materialise soon thanks to "Healing Genesis."

One of the amazing people you'll meet on your journey is Ian Clark, a 65-year-old whose health has improved to the level of his 25-year-old self because of the practises outlined in "Healing Genesis."

This is your chance to take Ian's lead and get back the health and energy you loved in your younger years. "Healing Genesis" claims to be your roadmap during this life-changing journey.




Download Free E-Gifts Below

The Ultimate Guide to Parasite Detox eBook

The Ultimate Guide to Parasite Detox eBook

Revive and Thrive: Natural & Holistic Approaches to Reverse the COVID-19 Bioweapon eBook

Revive and Thrive: Natural & Holistic Approaches to Reverse the COVID-19 Bioweapon eBook

Natural and Holistic Protocols Known to Inhibit and Denature Snake Venom eBook

Natural and Holistic Protocols Known to Inhibit and Denature Snake Venom eBook

Healing Protocols for Detoxing from Vaxx Shedding eBook

Healing Protocols for Detoxing from Vaxx Shedding eBook

The Golden Secret to Health – Urotherapy eBook

The Golden Secret to Health – Urotherapy eBook

Top Natural Medicines and Nutrient-Rich Superfoods to Detox Your Body eBook

Top Natural Medicines and Nutrient-Rich Superfoods to Detox Your Body eBook