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Joyful Gardener Docu-series

 Joyful Gardener Docu-series 

Joyful Gardener Docu-series

Event Name:  Joyful Gardener Docu-series 

Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

Fresh food is very good for your health. It can help you stay healthy, feel good, and live a long life. It's also great to know where your food comes from!

Gardening has an extra benefit that is especially important right now - it brings joy! Spending time with plants that nourish you feels like a warm hug from a pet.

You know that feeling of happiness when you connect with a wild creature?

You can get that feeling from plants too, especially if you grow your own vegetables and herbs.

If you need help making gardening more joyful and less stressful, then you should sign up for the 8-Part Joyful Gardener Docu-series and more eager gardeners are reserving their spots every day!

This event is perfect for you if:
  • you dream of starting a vegetable garden,
  • already love gardening and want to get better, or fall somewhere in between.

Hosted by Stacey Murphy, a master gardener trainer.

Her work has been featured on Martha Stewart Radio, PBS Growing a Greener World, even the David Letterman show!

This event has helped over half a million people discover the secrets of a successful garden.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn how to grow fresh, healthy vegetables that will nourish your family.

  • How to grow the FRESHEST, most nutrient-rich foods right at home
  • Why people claim they have a “brown thumb” and what to do instead
  • What most gardeners don’t tell you about plants
  • A step-by-step system that produces vegetables and herbs for your whole family in a space the size of a car.
  • Case studies from around the world that show you how to do this anywhere, anytime, in any space.
  • and More..

Here is what she will be covering in her free virtual event:

MINDSET: Your first, simple step to an easy vegetable and herb garden
CLIMATE: Allowing your LOCAL conditions to work for you and creating microclimates.
SOIL: Regenerative fertility system that builds a stronger, more nutrient-rich garden each year.
COMPOST: Compost style that works for your needs and delivers the fertility you need for your garden.
PLANTS: The secret to doubling your vegetable harvest in half the space.
WATER: Master garden efficiency and eliminate unnecessary work with a water system that’s right for you.
HARVESTING: Getting the freshest, most flavorful food on your plate… and lots of it!
TENDING: Giving plants exactly what they need in each stage of life.
SUCCESS: One thing you shouldn't spend any time doing in your garden (but most beginners do!).
REGENERATIVE: Complete step-by-step garden system for an abundant harvest no matter where you live.
HIGHLIGHTS: Seeding, seed starting, transplanting, building raised beds, containers, soil basics, fertility schedules, fertilizers, compost systems, crop planning, succession planning, crop rotations, knowing what’s ripe, pruning, trellising, irrigation, pests and disease management, weed strategies, saving seeds, season extension, cover cropping, and modular systems that make everything easier!

Plus, you’ll get to meet students who have put all of this into practice, sharing what made their gardens successful.




Download Free E-Gifts Below

First Step eGuide eBook

First Step eGuide eBook

Double Your Harvest eGuide eBook

Double Your Harvest eGuide eBook

 Guide to a Garden that Thrives eBook

Guide to a Garden that Thrives eBook

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