Friday, February 24, 2023

Fatty Liver Docu-Class

 Fatty Liver Docu-Class

Fatty Liver Docu-Class

The liver is the body part that has the greatest impact on overall health.

Its function is to eliminate poisons from the body by dissolving them.

The medical literature is extremely clear about what happens once it becomes obese, inflammatory, and dysfunctional when it is overworked.

Autoimmunity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia, chronic fatigue, thyroid illness, and skin conditions are all strongly correlatedwith a dysfunctional liver.

Moreover, here's an intriguing fact: persons with chronic kidney disease get the condition due to fatty liver illness rather than a poorkidney.

And with approximately 100,000 distinct environmental poisons poisoning our air, water, and food supply today, your liver is under attack like never before.

Substances that are toxic includes: alcohol, sugar, sweeteners, tobacco smoke, dental fillings, teflon, medicines, plastics, scents, pesticides,cosmetics, and household cleansers.

The most dangerous aspect is that millions of people are unaware to their illness since the liver can lose 90% of its function without giving you a single warning sign.

Many of them are unknowingly edging closer and closer to death.

Are you one of the roughly 100 million people who, according to estimates, are at risk?

Join the Fatty Liver Docu-Class with 23 of the World's Leading Experts on Liver Health for the Very First Time!

In the Fatty Liver Docu-Class, learn about the real reasons, major risks, comprehensive list of exposure sources, and all-natural cures for liver problems.

Also, you'll discover how to grow your liver back to its full size with a few "small tricks" if it has shrunk to even 1/4 of its former size.

The liver is a remarkable organ that has the capacity for complete self-regeneration.

You won't hear about these little-known natural liver regeneration, repair, and detoxification methods anywhere else.

Don't undervalue the significance of having a healthy liver since when it's functioning at its peak, you can fend off numerous ailments and feel terrific.

Poor energy, gastrointestinal issues, obesity, high blood pressure, blood sugar imbalances, and autoimmune diseases can all be eliminated.

When you attend this online event, this is some of what you’ll learn:

  • A detailed list of toxins that damage your liver ... and trigger a wide variety of health problems
  • The best natural therapies to regenerate your liver ... featuring the latest medical breakthroughs
  • Understand why "the usual" liver enzyme tests are not enough and ... what you need to know BEFORE you experience a health crisis
  • What to do for the rest of your life if you had your gallbladder removed
  • The full list of toxins which are known to damage the liver
  • Why gallstones are often undiagnosed until it's too late
  • How most cavities are filled with a dental material which hurts the liver
  • And lot More...


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